Episode 10: The 12 Lessons Learned In 2022

Just Book It
Just Book It
Episode 10: The 12 Lessons Learned In 2022

Hi everyone, it’s The Brooklynite Abroad & I’m back. After a long break from Just Book It Travels, I have accumulated so many podcast episode ideas that I am excited to launch very soon. Thank you for being patient with me & trust me, the wait is well worth it. During this little break, I have really put a lot more emphasis on living in the moment. Apart from that still includes documenting everything so I can share it all with you guys, but for me, it’s nice to have the post-trip reflection process without the need to post soon after. 

As we wrap up 2022, I have so many things that I’d like to reflect on. Firstly, I’d have to say that this year brings me back to 2017, a year in which I traveled to three countries & felt like a true globetrotter. Looking at 2022, I have never traveled so much in a year in my life and that’s even counting when I studied abroad. I know that I am extremely privileged and fortunate to have this luxury and don’t take these moments for granted even for a second. 

Each month throughout this year has tested my limits and taught me so much about myself, where I see my life heading into future years to come, and the greater meaning of life. It’s no surprise that I am spilling all the tea on the things I have learned each month in hopes of giving you another perspective on just how impactful traveling is in your journey to self-development. Presenting 12 lessons for each month in 2022, let’s get into it! If you like what you hear, be sure to follow the Just Book It Podcast for more travel-related stories, news, tips & inspiration you need to jet-set! Alright, let’s get into it!


You are never going to be 1000% ready for anything so don’t be afraid to take a leap

I kicked off January in my brand-new apartment. I was nervous, excited, then worried again about paying NYC rent. I always had this picture in my head of living at home and using that extra funds to pay for trips, but when my roommate was interested in living on her own, it was no question that I’d be her roommate and take on living together in NYC. In short, I didn’t feel that I was ready and I know it sounds silly but a few months back I got my tarot cards read at the Renaissance Faire and she said you aren’t going to feel ready, but just do it! Living on my own has been nothing but rewarding. It’s helped my relationships with my family, allowed me to have a greater sense of independence, made commuting to work an hour shorter, and proved that living with your best friend is everything they say it is. 


There’s a reason you can’t stop thinking about that one person. 

Since this month is all about love, it really is crazy how one person can change your life for the better. I am so in love with this man and to think about where we started and where we are now & even where we were at this moment, shows that love is beautiful and if they’re the right person, it’s worth the wait. Ino, I love you! Te amo!


Purchase the refundable flight. It will save you so much time & money. 

Let’s be honest. Travel is really unpredictable these days. When I had booked Sweden & Finland with my sister, the only thing on my mind was, “there can’t be a lot of COVID cases in the middle of Finland’s snowy mountains, right?” Turns out I had to be worried about war outbreaks. Ultimately the lesson here is that nothing is in your control and if you can control it, it’s by purchasing flights that either allow a complete refund or allow a flight change, which will result in flight credit to use at a future time. Unfortunately, the airlines’ business is created to not help out during these emergency situations and as much as it sucks, it’s not worth the hundreds of calls & hoping that you’ll be on the phone with someone nice enough to actually help you. Gone are those days, let me tell you. Every flight from now on will have some sort of backup plan in case it does not go to plan. 


Learn to manage finances.

My roommate and I were on this “we’re living on our own” high and basically balled out for three months. It was a pretty steep recovery and cost me a little bit of my savings. I am hoping to learn from this more and more by saying no to some things with the intention of using that money saved for future trips. We had a ton of amazing experiences, none of which I regret. Ate at delicious restaurants, drank at some fun bars, & basically went to every Broadway performance that is a part of the lottery. Shoutout Kelsie! It was fun to do something almost every day & have a bestie that was always down to go on an adventure. In 2023, those adventures are going to be boarding passes & international flights! 


Go on the solo trip. You will not regret it. 

Embarking on my first solo trip to the motherland, Ireland, a place that I am proud to have ancestry liked in my lineage to the royal O’Brien family and it was a top memory of 2022. I learned so much about myself during this trip & can honestly say that I loved traveling alone. The proud & accomplished feelings I have for myself are insurmountable. I went from completely hating quarantine back in 2020 because I hated being alone to being alone in a foreign country for 7 days. Yes, I met some people along the way but overall, I loved not compromising my wants & interests & did this trip completely on a limb. Everything was booked last minute and everything worked out the way it was supposed to. This was my first trip using my Cotopaxi backpack & I fell in love with using it as a carry-on backpack for future trips to come. I was so happy coming back home from this trip & to share so many memories to look back on. 


Sun poisoning is not fun. Just don’t lay out in the sun. Don’t buy tanning oil. Please just don’t. 

Having sun poisoning was so painful. This was the first time that I had chills when going to sleep and my skin was all peeling & blistering. I decided to lay out in the sun for 4 hours in the same position bathing in tanning oil. Again not fun please don’t make this mistake. You increase your risk of getting skin cancer let alone 1st, 2nd & 3rd-degree burns!  


If he could he would. 

When my boyfriend flew to visit me in the Bahamas, my heart completely melted. I couldn’t believe he did that. Even now while writing/saying this. It warms my heart that he’d literally do anything to come see me & make me happy. Our Bahamas trip was so special and I was so over the moon that he was able to vacation with my family. 

*some off-script notes*

What was really cool about this trip was that we got to see the Inaugural Bahamian independence day parade, rode jet skis for the first time & had an amazing time in paradise. If he could he would ladies, take notes. 


Take an extra day off of work to recover.  

Take the extra day off. You’re going to need it. I took a red-eye flight from San Diego (on our trip to Mexico) to New York- arrived at 6am & worked from 9-5pm. I literally don’t know how I did it. I felt like I was falling asleep the whole day & it was not fun. Eventually I woke up & pushed through the day, but man I regret not asking the extra day off to recover. I did not think I wouldn’t have slept well on the plane, and well guess what? I didn’t sleep well on the plane & barely woke up after a quick power nap. If your PTO is a little tight, I’d suggest taking some melatonin to help you fall right asleep. 



Big JUST BOOK IT energy in September. From my boyfriend and I agreeing to drive 4-5 hours at midnight for a lil spontaneous getaway in the mountains to booking the most amazing tiny home Airbnb (last minute might I add) & everything in between, I “JUST BOOKED IT” more times in September than the entire year what feels like. I love the rush of adrenaline & spontaneity that comes with these plans and I can’t wait for more Just Book It adventures down the line. Be sure to stay updated on these adventures down the line with more episodes!


Don’t put in energy towards people who don’t care.

October was a month when I learned a pretty hard lesson that hit me emotionally and mentally. Don’t put in energy towards people who don’t care. Someone has to say it and it might as well be me. I feel like we have all been here where someone is putting way more effort into the friendship, relationship, etc. It’s not a good feeling and this is the year that I reinforce that if anyone if taking kindness for weakness, I’m not wasting energy where it is not going to be reciprocated. You realize at a point in time where priorities, life priorities, and people are on different paths & that is okay. I will respect your feelings & emotions, but if you’re going to take kindness for weakness then that changes the game a little bit. Overall, I think it’s a great lesson to learn, and yeah I just really want to make sure that with the Just Book It mentality, you’re not putting yourself out there too much where people are just going to think you’re annoying. 


Holidays are made for family vacations.

For the month of November, I learned that Holidays are made for family vacations. We spent my Dad’s 50th birthday and Thanksgiving (since they land on the same weekend) at this amazing lake house in New Hampshire and it was so much fun. It’s great to get away for a nice relaxing weekend filled with nature, kayaking, hiking, good food, love, family, my dog & endless world cup games. I am especially thinking about this when it comes to Christmas and gift-centric holidays where it, unfortunately, puts a lot of pressure on people to buy gifts and say they want to get a really nice gift for someone and you don’t have the funds for it. It puts a lot of pressure on tangible gifts where the focus of Christmas is family and enjoying each other’s company!


The year of the side hustle.

If I want to make traveling a priority in my life, among other major life goals, I need to find a side hustle to help me finance this lifestyle. I mentioned earlier that I spent way too much at the beginning of the year and the bills caught up pretty fast to me. Fast forward and this year I made some money creating itineraries, and posting NYC recommendations & along with that, I am starting my journey as a social media manager to help bring in extra income. I am incredibly excited to start this passion & new journey so if you’re interested in following my journey, my handle is @thesocialmedialite_.

There You Have It

Well, there you have it. The 2022 recap and 12 lessons I learned from each month. This year has been nothing but rewarding and it shows that the universe is looking out for you. Just keep being your amazing self, work hard, and have fun & the right people will cross your path. I wish you nothing but happiness, peace & joy going into 2023. With my recap coming to a close, something that has always kept me going are the trips I have planned. Whether it’s a big international trip or a weekend getaway, everything about a little adventure is nothing short of exciting. The Just Book It mentality is continuing into 2023 as I already have a trip planned and some in the works as well. Check out my website, more episodes on the podcast, & socials to get the inside scoop on fun places to travel to, hidden gems in NYC & inspiration to JUST BOOK IT! 

Did you enjoy this podcast? Leave a comment and let me know a lesson or two that you learned this year! Thanks so much for listening and can’t wait to launch more episodes. 



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