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About Me

Hi everyone, it’s The Brooklynite Abroad and I am so happy that you’re here. If you’re new to my page, welcome & I can’t wait to guide and inspire you through the power of travel, something that has been truly remarkable and life-changing for me! Traveling can unlock more doors for you than you may expect. Just thinking about the benefits traveling has on your mind, body & spirit makes me feel very fortunate that I grew up valuing experiences over things. I hope that my blog shows you that when you prioritize these once-in-a-lifetime experiences, designer bags, gel manicures, and the newest iPhone could never give you the feeling that exploring a new culture can. It’s time to be rich in experiences and ditch the mantra that consumerism is a symbol of status.

Why NYC?

As a born and raised Brooklynite, There is a unique energy New Yorkers have. This pride, this swag to us that shows we’ve all been through it and we’re working to make our dreams a reality. The city that never sleeps, and the skyscrapers that touch the clouds have inspired me since I was a little girl taking the train to my first job. With hundreds of museums, pop-up events, and thousands of restaurants featuring cuisines and national dishes from across the globe, there is sometimes no reason to leave, we literally have it all. I feel very fortunate that I reside in NYC, the greatest city in the world. You don’t need to buy a plane ticket to get the “thrill of traveling” and the pandemic was a true example of that. Exploring your own city is just enough to give you that thrill of learning something new. The endless activities, adventures, and memories to have in NYC are why I never want to leave. I mean, of course, I’ll be traveling and globetrotting the world, but at the end of the day, home is where the heart is and home is here in NYC.

As such, navigating NYC is hard enough. Every time you Google something, you see the basic tourist traps that are still fun don’t get me wrong, but it’s not really the New York City that we locals have grown to love. It’s Coney Island during the summers, Astoria’s Madam Marie’s & their free popcorn, picnics at Prospect & Central Park, Chinatown’s WoHop & the iconic Michael’s of Brooklyn (especially their sauce that is to die for!). I mean the list goes on and that’s why I have specialized in all things NYC. Not only NYC has my heart but all of New York. From the beaches on Long Island to the breathtaking New Paltz ridge at the Mohonk Mountain House, adventure is out there and I am your go-to girl for the best places to go to get the true NYC experience.

Your Fear Is Holding You Back

Many people are afraid to travel. They don’t know that there are so many opportunities for us to explore the world and you don’t have to pay a dime. From scholarships and birthright trips to volunteering and being a pet/housesitter, if there is a will there is a way. I have the go-to travel hacks that will make you rethink the way you travel and better yet, help you prioritize these new experiences because you deserve a fulfilling and meaningful life. As someone who took full advantage of my study abroad (and planned well in advance), I know that my experiences will impact and encourage younger generations to take advantage of these opportunities along with everyone to seek new travels as well!

Traveler vs Tourist? Which One Are You

As I reflect on my exchange program in Spain, I learned the importance of distinguishing between being a traveler and a tourist. Living in a country really gives you a different perspective. It doesn’t mean hitting all of the top tourist attractions, in fact, I didn’t go to even half of them. I knew that studying abroad in a foreign country meant that it was going to be a different experience than a family vacation, but getting an understanding of how you like to travel is ESSENTIAL. Having already done some prior research about Andalucía, the southern region of Spain, I was able to connect what I had previously learned to the Alhambra, an ancient palace that we had visited. It was there that I was able to not only appreciate the intricate artwork but also retain new specific information about the palace as well. It made my travel experience that much greater than blindly staring into a tour guide brochure.

Traveling Doesn’t Just Stop After Your Corporate Job

If you’re like me then you succumbed to the corporate system and its way of life. The glorious 9 to 5 and its beautiful city skyline views that span for miles. If you truly love what you do, it doesn’t have to feel that way. Traveling doesn’t just stop because you only have ten days of PTO. Not for The Brooklynite Abroad and not for you! There are tons of ways to still travel without feeling the pressure of losing precious PTO time. Stick with me and I’ll show you exactly how!

There You Have It

That is my purpose of The Brooklynite Abroad, to help inspire others to unleash their inner travel enthusiast no matter the trip. Embrace the uncomfortable feeling of taking risks and truly immerse yourself in the culture and in return, you’ll have more than just cute photos to post on Instagram, you’ll have lifetime experiences, memories, and knowledge. So are you ready to explore, inspire, and travel together? Are You Ready To Explore, Inspire, and Travel Together? Read up on some fun and exciting blog posts about amazing destinations with complete guides to master being a tourist in some of the world’s greatest cities.

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